A downloadable game for Windows

This is a simple game I developed for a final project in one of my college classes!


Arrow Keys - Movement

Right Control/Left Click - Shoot

Spacebar - Jump

R - Restart (After game ends)

P - Pause


Your goal is to defeat "The Boys" (The smiley faces) and prevent them from stealing either of the power gems stationed at opposite sides of the map.
Enemies will attempt to make their way to the podiums the gems are stationed at and begin slowly tearing them down. You have to survive 5 minutes without dying or losing either gem to win the game.


Yellow Smiley - The typical basic enemy, upon spawning it will begin to make its way over to a random crystal but will turn to chase you if you get too close. It possesses a basic melee attack that does 1 damage.

Green Smiley - Will ignore crystals in favor of attacking you instead. Possesses a projectile attack that it fires out in front of it every couple seconds that can deal 1-2 damage.


Textures and cloud/tree leaves model downloaded off the Unity Asset store

Word Art generated with https://inkpx.com/word-art-generator

Smiley model created by me


Fighting THE BOYS 3D.zip 139 MB

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